
Workshop on Scientific Writing for PhD Students

We have successfully invited 2 teachers from London who are specialized in scientific writing workshops for PhD-students in astrophysics.

Marc Buchanan and Justin Mullins from “writeaboutscience” will come to Cologne to give a workshop at the Physics Institutes of the UoC. The Scientific Paper Seminar is a writing workshop for early-career scientists. It teaches the skills required for producing research papers of the highest quality for the world’s top journals. The workshop is designed to give students the confidence to begin publishing in the increasingly competitive world of science.

The course covers how top journals handle submissions and offers tips for dealing with editors at these publications. Participants should leave the workshop with a reasonably detailed outline of a scientific paper suitable for a journal of their choice. 

Science Communication Seminar for Women

Science Communication Seminar

Our science is often not visible to the public because we don’t know how to present in properly. 
With the help of the UoC press department we are aiming to change that. 

A first seminar about science communication will be on Monday, June 24 at 3 pm (regular colloquium time). All PH1 or SFB1601-members are invited to join, there is no registration necessary.

Introduction to Deep Learning Workshops

Deep Learning – Level 0
” Beginner’s Guide to Deep Learning”
Date: Thursday 13 June
Time: 12:30 – 17:30
Place: Conference Room 1.03 – RRZK/ITCC (Weyertal, 121)
Participants: This Workshop is aimed to any member of CRC1601 with “zero” knowledge about machine learning
Speakers: Researchers of our consortia who are using ML.
Method: Introductory talks and hands-on testing of tools

Deep Learning – Level 1
Date:  Thursday 26  &  Friday 27 Sept
Time: on 26.09 at 11:00-18:00   &  on 27.09 at 9:00-18:00
Place: tbd
Participants: This Workshop is aimed to any member of B3D and CRC1601 with “basic” knowledge on machine learning
Loris Berthelot (LIS, Marseille)
Dr. Tobias Buck (AstroAI-Lab, Heidelberg)
Dr. Andreas Lintermann (IAS, Juelich)
Dr. Veselina Kalinova (FZ Juelich)
Method: Short introductory talks and hands-on programming exercises

Please take a look at the description of the workshops and register in those that are closest to your interest and skills.
Note: Specially, for the Level 0 workshop, given the reduced number of places, we appeal to those members with some knowledge on machine learning to allow their colleagues with “zero” expertise to join this event and friendly suggest them , if interested, to participate directly in the Level 1 workshop in September.

Registration for the Level 0,  and pre-Registration for the level 1 events can be done in the following link (members who previously registered via webform are included in the table in the “priority” list. If you are one of them, and still interested, please take your name out from the Priority List and register in the workshop of your preference): Deadline for Registration DL level 0: Fri. June 7

The organising Committee:
Liem Ngo – PH1
Tim-Eric Rathjen – PH1 & RRZK/ITCC
Le Tram  – MPIfR
Dat Hoang – MPIfR
Kartik Neralwar – MPIfR
Kevin Schmidt  – U.Dortmund
Monica Valencia-S. – RRZK/ITCC

Seminar on fundamental knowledge about the SFB1601 pillars

The seminar will take place on May 23, 2024 in the lecture hall III of the Physics Institutes in Cologne.
The programm is preliminary and can be adapted to your suggestions. Additional talks are welcome.
09.45 – 10.30: Netty Honingh – Instrumentation
10.30 – 11.00: Coffee break
11.00 – 11.45: Daniel Seifried – Simulations
11.45 – 12.30: Philipp Schmid – Laboratory Astrophysics
12.30 – 13.30: Lunch break
13.30 – 14.15: Robert Simon – Observations

Training offers at the Forschungszentrum Jülich

Introduction to Unreal Engine for Science (training course, online)
Einführung in ParaView zur Visualisierung von wissenschaftlichen Daten (training course, online)
Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Learning (training course, online)
Introduction to parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP (training course, on-site) [beginner level]
GPU Programming Part 1: Foundations (training course, on-site)
Parallel I/O and Portable Data Formats (training course, on-site)
Interactive High-Performance Computing with JupyterLab (training course, online)
Programming in C++ (training course, on-site)
GPU programming Part 2: Advanced GPU Programming (training course, online)
Introduction to Explainable Deep Learning on Supercomputers (training course, online)
High-performance computing with Python (training course, online)
High-performance scientific computing in C++ (training course, on-site)
Introduction to parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP (training course, on-site)[beginner+intermediate level]
In-Situ Visualization on High-Performance-Computers (training course, online)
Data Analysis and Plotting in Python with Pandas (training course, online)
Directive-based GPU programming with OpenACC (training course, online)
Advanced Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP (training course, online)