Massive stars, due to their short lifetime and high energy output, drive the evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. Hence, they substantially contribute to shaping the present-day Universe. The proposed new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) will unravel the “habitats of massive stars across cosmic time”. “Habitats” are the gaseous environments within which massive stars are born and which they interact with via their feedback. Over the anticipated 12-year lifetime of this new CRC initiative, we aim to connect the physical processes that govern the habitats of massive stars across the full range of environments hosting massive stars – from sub-parsec to mega-parsec scales and from the Milky Way to the high-redshift Universe, where massive stars leave their cosmological fingerprint by driving cosmic reionisation.

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Modelling the molecular gas content of galaxies is a highly non-linear, multi-scale problem in astrophysics. On one hand, it is necessary to simulate galaxies in realistic environments as they are affected by outflows and gas accretion from the cosmic web. On the other hand, molecular-cloud chemistry is regulated by conditions on sub-parsec scales. To overcome this challenge, we have developed a new sub-grid model, HYACINTH – HYdrogen And Carbon chemistry in the INTerstellar medium in Hydro simulations – that can be embedded into cosmological simulations of galaxy formation to calculate the non-equilibrium abundances of molecular hydrogen and its carbon-based tracers, …

1st funding period: 10/2023 – 06/2027