October 30, 2023
Timea Csengeri
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux (CNRS)
The world of hot cores uncovered by ALMA-IMF: exploring the emergence of complex organic molecules


Complex organic molecules (COMs) are characteristic of the chemical complexification of the star forming gas, yet we still have a poor understanding about the chemical evolution of the collapsing gas. The ALMA-IMF Large program targets 15 of the most prominent Galactic protoclusters over various evolutionary stages. Beyond the rich core population uncovered by ALMA-IMF, we identified a sample of ~70 hot core candidates using methyl formate lines. I will discuss our main results about the statistics of these chemically active sites obtained from ALMA-IMF. Our findings suggest that the most massive cores are all associated with methyl formate emission, demonstrating that all massive cores undergo a chemically active phase. Our hot core candidates exhibit emission in a variety of COMs underlying the complex chemistry associated with sites where hot cores emerge. Furthermore, I will introduce the recently accepted NASCENT-Stars large program that offers a more complete view on the molecular composition of the star forming gas using the NOEMA interferometer. I will put in context these results with our understanding of the global molecular diversity of hot cores and hot corino like objects, and discuss the origin of COMs.
(Cologne, Host: Peter Schilke)

November 13, 2023
Sara Rezaei Khoshbakht
Chalmers-MPIA cosmic origins fellow
Multi-scale 3D structure of the Milky Way


Star formation properties are linked to complex distributions of gas and dust in galaxies over a wide range of scales; from internal cloud substructures to kilo-parsec, galactic scales.The Milky Way galaxy is currently the only place where studying individual stars and substructures within individual clouds is possible. However, our position within the dusty disc of the Milky Way has long limited our understanding of the location and substructures of star-forming regions to the 2D plane-of-the-sky views and uncertain kinematic distances. The latest Gaia data release (Gaia DR3) and near-infrared datasets (e.g. 2MASS, WISE, APOGEE) have recently enabled us to study the Milky Way in three dimensions.

In this colloquium, I will introduce you to the world of 3D dust mapping and present our Gaussian process-based 3D mapping technique. I will then showcase some of our work on detailed 3D maps of the local star-forming regions, as well as a large-scale 3D map of the Milky Way disc out to 10 kpc. This gives us a tremendous opportunity to study and connect physical processes simultaneously acting on different scales and to study the Milky Way as a multi-scale, stand-alone system.
(Cologne, Hosts: Hamedani-Golshan, Schilke)

November 20, 2023
Pascal Oesch
Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva
On the Search of the First Galaxies with the JWST


The first deep images with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have transformed our view of the Universe. With its unparalleled imaging and spectroscopic capabilities, JWST finally provides deep restframe optical observations to z=10 — a huge leap from the current z=3. Additionally, JWST immediately extended our cosmic horizon into uncharted territory, with galaxy candidates now identified out to z~14-16, only ~250-300 Myr after the Big Bang. We are thus at the brink of finding the first galaxies that ended the cosmic Dark Ages and started the reionization of the Universe. In this talk, I will show how far we have come in understanding early galaxy build-up over the last years. I will start with the state of knowledge from three decades of Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope datasets before JWST, and will then present an overview of our current understanding of early galaxies based on early results from the first year of JWST observations.
(Bonn, Host: Cristiano Porciani)

November 27, 2023
Daniel Whalen
Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth
The Origin of the First Quasars


Although supermassive black holes (SMBHs) have been found at the centers of most massive galaxies today, quasars powered by billion solar-mass BHs have now been discovered at redshifts z = 7.6, less than 690 Myr after the Big Bang.  Their discovery posed severe challenges to current paradigms of cosmic structure formation because it was not understood how such massive BHs formed by such early times.
However, new very-high resolution cosmological simulations have now shown how quasars formed by z > 7.  I will review current thought about the origin of the first quasars and show how in fact they are an inevitable result of structure formation in cold dark matter cosmologies.  Besides showing how the first quasars formed, our simulations also account for their demographics: their numbers at high redshift.
(Cologne, Host: Stefanie Walch-Gassner)

December 18, 2023
Brian Hays
re-scheduled to summer semester 2024


Astronomical observations of molecules are buoyed by laboratory astrophysics investigations of a variety of processes. Observations of the interstellar medium need spectral line positions to find molecules, rates of reaction to explain to feed chemical models, and collisional (de)excitation rates to predict the abundance of molecules under the peculiar conditions of space. Laboratory astrophysics measurements or predictions can provide all this information using a wide variety of techniques. Given the strong link between rotational spectroscopy and astrochemistry through several microwave, millimeter, and sub-millimeter telescopes, the role of rotational spectroscopy can be expanded beyond its traditional role of providing spectral line positions in laboratory measurements. I will discuss new experiments that push rotational spectroscopy into the detection of products of reaction and validation of collisional (de)excitation rates all in support of astrochemistry.
(Cologne, Host: Stephan Schlemmer)

January 8, 2024
Benjamin Godard
Observatoire de Paris & Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure
Phase transition shocks in the Warm Neutral Medium: Origin of Carbon at high pressure


The diffuse interstellar medium is full of chemical mysteries. One of those is the presence of substantial amounts of neutral Carbon at high pressure (one to two orders of magnitude above the mean pressure) in all directions in the galaxy (Jenkins & Tripp 2011). We propose that this feature results from the propagation of high velocity shocks (40 km s-1 < V < 200 km s-1) in the warm neutral medium. Such shocks, which incidentally induce phase transition between the warm neutral medium and the cold neutral medium, provide all the necessary conditions to explain optical observations including the excitation conditions and the line profiles of CI. The comparison between models and observations leads to a precise estimation of the distribution of the injection rate of mechanical energy at large scale (few tens of pc). This distribution is found to be in excellent agreement with the expected distribution of injection rates induced by supernovae explosions in the solar neighborhood and to show a puzzling similarity with the distribution of the kinetic energy transfer rate deduced from CO observations (Hennebelle & Falgarone 2012, Miville-Deschênes et al. 2017). This work provides a new evidence of the connection between the injection mechanisms and the transfer of energy in the turbulent cascade that develops across the warm and cold phases of the interstellar matter.
(Cologne, Host: Peter Schilke)

January 22, 2024
Annalisa Pillepich
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg
Simulating galaxies and their gaseous components across populations, environments and cosmic epochs


A couple of decades ago it has been realized that energy injections from stars and super massive black holes (SMBHs) are essential processes to model galaxies that resemble observed ones. Modern large-volume cosmological simulations of galaxies, such as Illustris, EAGLE, HorizonAGN and others, are now capable of producing more or less realistic galaxies, especially in relation to their stellar components. However, feedback mechanisms are known to leave more direct imprints on the properties of the gas, rather than on the stars. And so, in turn, the cosmic gas is expected to provide more stringent constraints on such feedback processes. In fact, current and future observations are providing progressively more inputs on the thermodynamical, ionization, chemical, magnetic, and kinematical properties of the gaseous atmospheres in and around galaxies. In this talk, I will give an overview on the ever more quantitative and plausible evidences of the role that SMBH feedback has in shaping the gaseous haloes from Milky Way-like galaxies to the most massive galaxy clusters in the Univers. I will do so starting from the outcome of the IllustrisTNG simulations in combination with current and future observational data, e.g. with SDSS, HST, eROSITA and XRISM, and I will introduce a new ambitious project: TNG-Cluster. I will hence discuss and showcase e.g. eROSITA-like bubbles, azimuthal-dependent properties of the circum-galactic medium, jellyfish galaxies, radio relics, turbulence and X-ray surface brightness fluctuations in the intra-cluster medium.
(Cologne, Host: Dominik Riechers)