Project leaders: Porciani, Cristiano (AIfA); Riechers, Dominik (PH1)

If a line intensity mapping (LIM) measurement is made, what can we infer about the properties and spatial distribution of the underlying population of emitters? The main objective of sub-project C6 is to answer this question by (i) building estimators for different summary statistics that can be extracted from the maps; (ii) generating realistic mock data sets on which to test the estimators; (iii) building a Bayesian toolkit to reconstruct key properties of the underlying galaxy population from the measured data. Direct applications of our findings to the line intensity maps obtained with FYST in sub-project C3 are an integral part of the research done in C6.


  1. Cantalupo and Porciani, “RADAMESH: cosmological radiative transfer for Adaptive Mesh Refinement simulations”, MNRAS 411, 1678 (2011).
  2. Compostella, Cantalupo, and Porciani, “The imprint of inhomogeneous He II reionization on the H I and He II Ly∂ forest”, MNRAS 435, 3169 (2013).
  3. Garaldi, Compostella, and Porciani, “The Goldilocks problem of the quasar contribution to reionization”, MNRAS 483, 5301 (2019).
  4. Karoumpis, Magnelli, Romano-Díaz, Haslbauer, and Bertoldi, “[CII] line intensity mapping the epoch of reionization with the Prime-Cam on FYST. I. Line intensity mapping predictions using the Illustris TNG hydrodynamical simulation”, A&A 659, A12 (2022).
  5. Magliocchetti and Porciani, “The halo distribution of 2dF galaxies”, MNRAS 346, 186 (2003).
  6. Oddo, Sefusatti, Porciani, Monaco, and Sánchez, “Toward a robust inference method for the galaxybispectrum: likelihood function and model selection”, JCAP 2020, 056 (2020).
  7. Pillepich, Porciani, and Matarrese, “The Bispectrum of Redshifted 21 Centimeter Fluctuations from theDark Ages”, ApJ 662, 1 (2007).
  8. Spina, Porciani, and Schimd, “The HI-halo mass relation at redshift z ∿ 1 from the Minkowski functionals of 21 cm intensity maps”, MNRAS 505, 3492 (2021).
  9. Stacey, Aravena, Basu, and 35 co-authors including, Bertoldi, Graf, Riechers, and Schilke, “CCAT-Prime: science with an ultra-widefield submillimeter observatory on Cerro Chajnantor”, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series 10700, edited by Marshall and Spyromilio, 107001M (2018).
  10. Tomassetti, Porciani, Romano-Diaz, Ludlow, and Papadopoulos, “Atomic carbon as a powerful tracer of molecular gas in the high-redshift Universe: perspectives for ALMA.”, MNRAS 445, L124 (2014).