Project leader: Porciani, Cristiano (AIfA)

By making use of state-of-the-art numerical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution, this project provides theoretical insights into (i) the buildup of metal and gas mass in high-redshift galaxies, (ii) the atomic and molecular content of their interstellar medium (ISM), (iii) the role played by metal-rich outflows triggered by massive stars. In the context of the CRC, our study provides a direct theoretical counterpart to the observational efforts conducted in C1 and C2. At the same time, it supplies the basic information which is necessary to build the mock catalogs for line-intensity mapping in C6.



Bi, Da; Shlosman, Isaac; Romano-Díaz, Emilio

Dissecting cosmological filaments at high redshifts: emergence of spaghetti-type flow inside DM haloes Journal Article

In: Monthly Notices of the RAS, vol. 527, no. 4, pp. 11095-11112, 2024.

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