Project leader: Asvany, Oskar (PH1)

This project aims at recording high-resolution rotational-vibrational as well as pure rotational spectra of molecular ions. Additionally, we want to study the energetics and kinetics of their low-temperature reactions with simple neutral collision partners, providing important rate coefficients for astrochemical models. Prime targets of this endeavor are molecular ions formed at early stages of interstellar evolution, e.g., those containing mainly hydrogen and helium. In particular, the fundamental ions HHen+, H2Hen+ and the loosely bound H3+–He shall be investigated at cryogenic temperatures.



Changala, P. Bryan; Chen, Ning L.; Le, Hai L.; Gans, Bérenger; Steenbakkers, Kim; Salomon, Thomas; Bonah, Luis; Schroetter, Ilane; Canin, Amélie; Martin-Drumel, Marie-Aline; Jacovella, Ugo; Dartois, Emmanuel; Boyé-Péronne, Séverine; Alcaraz, Christian; Asvany, Oskar; Brünken, Sandra; Thorwirth, Sven; Schlemmer, Stephan; Goicoechea, Javier R.; Rouillé, Gaël; Sidhu, Ameek; Chown, Ryan; Putte, Dries Van De; Trahin, Boris; Alarcón, Felipe; Berné, Olivier; Habart, Emilie; Peeters, Els

Astronomical CH3+ rovibrational assignments. A combined theoretical and experimental study validating observational findings in the d203-506 UV-irradiated protoplanetary disk Journal Article

In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 680, pp. A19, 2023.

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Bast, Marcel; Böing, Julian; Salomon, Thomas; Thorwirth, Sven; Asvany, Oskar; Schäfer, Mathias; Schlemmer, Stephan

Ro-vibrational spectra of Csbnd C stretching modes of C3H+ and HC3O+ Journal Article

In: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol. 398, pp. 111840, 2023.

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  1. Asvany, Schlemmer, Szidarovszky, and Császár, “Infrared Signatures of the HHe+n and DHe+n (n = 3 6) Complexes”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 5325 (2019).
  2. Asvany and Schlemmer, “Rotational action spectroscopy of trapped molecular ions”, Phys Chem Chem Phys 23, 26602 (2021).
  3. Asvany, Schlemmer, Avoird, Szidarovszky, and Császár, “Vibrational spectroscopy of H2He+ and D2He+”, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 377, 111423 (2021).
  4. Doménech, Jusko, Schlemmer, and Asvany, “The First Laboratory Detection of Vibration-rotation Transitions of 12CH+ and 13CH+ and Improved Measurement of Their Rotational Transition Frequencies”, Astrophys. J. 857, 61 (2018).
  5. Salomon, Brackertz, Asvany, Savic ́, Gerlich, Harding, 4 co-authors including, and Schlemmer, “The He-H3+ complex. II. Infrared predissociation spectrum and energy term diagram”, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 144308 (2022).
  6. Salomon, Töpfer, Schreier, Schlemmer, Kohguchi, Surin, and Asvany, “Double Resonance Rotational Spectroscopy of He-HCO+”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 3440 (2019).
  7. Savic ́, Gerlich, Asvany, Jusko, and Schlemmer, “Controlled synthesis and analysis of He-H+3 in a 3.7 K ion trap”, Mol. Phys. 113, 2320 (2015).
  8. Schmid, Asvany, Salomon, Thorwirth, and Schlemmer, “Leak-out Spectroscopy, a universal method of action spectroscopy in cold ion traps”, J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 8111 (2022).
  9. Töpfer, Jensen, Anders, Kohguchi, Szidarovszky, Császár, Schlemmer, and Asvany, “Spectroscopic signatures of HHe+2 and HHe+3 ”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 22885 (2020).
  10. Töpfer, Salomon, Schlemmer, Dopfer, Kohguchi, Yamada, and Asvany, “Double resonance rotational spectroscopy of Weakly Bound Ionic Complexes: the case of floppy CH+3-He”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 143001 (2018).